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on peer-to-peer dynamics in politics, the economy and organizations
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The rise and fall of Corbyn’s economics

The rise and fall of Corbyn’s economics | Peer2Politics |

The three main ideas are summarised here. They were more progressive taxation to create greater equality both as a matter of fact and to deliver justice in the way that the deficit was tackled. Second, the tax gap was to be tackled to provide funding and to create a level playing field for business. And third, People’s Quantitative Easing was, in combination with a National Investment Bank, to be used to fund a new industrial strategy. What the document did not say was what the overall vision was: it focussed on policies not philosophies but it rattled the mainstream media and much of Labour nonetheless.


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Difference between revisions of "Evolution of the Structure of World History Through Modes of Exchange" - P2P Foundation

Difference between revisions of "Evolution of the Structure of World History Through Modes of Exchange" - P2P Foundation | Peer2Politics |
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Procomuns statement and policies for Commons Collaborative Economies at European level - Commons Transition Wiki

Procomuns statement and policies for Commons Collaborative Economies at European level - Commons Transition Wiki | Peer2Politics |
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Why Don't Economists?..6th April 2016

In this show, the presenter, Marie McCahery, interviews Francesca Rhys-Williams of the Post-Crash Economics Society of the University of Manchester, to discuss what's wrong with economics teaching and also the upcoming PCES conference.
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Democratic Money and Capital for the Commons: Reflections from the Deep Dive - Commons Transition Wiki

Democratic Money and Capital for the Commons: Reflections from the Deep Dive - Commons Transition Wiki | Peer2Politics |

1. Money and the market. There was a central tension in our discussions between money and markets as acids to be resisted, or as tools for conviviality. Can money and markets ever be neutral, whatever their form, or do they carry within them the germ of capital and social atomisation? Adam Smith embraced money and markets as means to closer and more lateral social relations, that carves out an autonomous space for civil society/economy from the domination of post feudal absolutism and the landlord class. The alternative money and trading systems have something of this character – a kind of free zone, both freedom from (the capitalist version) and freedom to (make a new economy).

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'Economics In The Age Of Abundance' by Brad DeLong

'Economics In The Age Of Abundance' by Brad DeLong | Peer2Politics |
The challenges we face are now those of abundance. Indeed, when it comes to workers dedicated to our diets, we can add some of the 4% of the labor force who, working as nurses, pharmacists, and educators, help us solve problems resulting from having consumed too many calories or the wrong kinds of nutrients.
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The New Geo-Economics

The New Geo-Economics | Peer2Politics |
Last year was a memorable one for the global economy. Not only was overall performance disappointing, but profound changes – both for better and for worse – occurred in the global economic system. Most notable was the Paris climate agreement reached last month. By itself, the agreement is far from enough to limit the increase in …
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Between Debt and the Devil by Adair Turner review – should the government start printing money?

Between Debt and the Devil by Adair Turner review – should the government start printing money? | Peer2Politics |
The former head of the FSA floats a provocative solution to the economic crisis
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What is Wrong with Modern Economics?

Why did economists not see the financial crisis coming? Has modern economics lost touch with reality and instead lost itself in fancy mathematic models?
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Mutation of Economics into the Fifth Integral-Arational Structure of Consciousness - P2P Foundation

Mutation of Economics into the Fifth Integral-Arational Structure of Consciousness - P2P Foundation | Peer2Politics |
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Don’t let the Nobel prize fool you. Economics is not a science | Joris Luyendijk

Don’t let the Nobel prize fool you. Economics is not a science | Joris Luyendijk | Peer2Politics |
The award glorifies economists as tellers of timeless truths, fostering hubris and leading to disaster
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Publications ← P2P Lab

Publications ← P2P Lab | Peer2Politics |

The P2P Lab is an independent media lab interested in interdisciplinary research on free/open source technologies and practices.

Our mission is to:

  • strive for integrative insights on the open technologies and the peer-to-peer practices.
  • provide consultancy support to organisations and institutions regarding open technologies and relevant socio-economic trends.
  • produce innovative, global techno-economic solutions to local problems.
  • write, edit and publish articles, reports and books in the diverse range of topics we investigate.
  • organise open events for reflection and action as well as to educate people about critical and creative tools for society-changing.

We are constantly on the look-out for co-operation on interesting projects.

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We need a Copernican revolution in economics: Prof. Steve Keen | P2P Foundation

We need a Copernican revolution in economics: Prof. Steve Keen | P2P Foundation | Peer2Politics |
Very interesting conversation with one of our favourite economists! Watch the video (a podcast in fact) here:
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Failed Economics: Tyranny of Mathematics and Enslaved by the Wrong Theory - Evonomics

Failed Economics: Tyranny of Mathematics and Enslaved by the Wrong Theory - Evonomics | Peer2Politics |

According to the new school, neoclassical economic theory is based on a false conception of human nature and must be replaced with a more realistic conception. As Thaler and Sunstein put it in Nudge, economic theory and policy needs to be based on “Humans”, not “Econs.” I cheered when I first read these lines and looked forward to learning about the new improved conception of human nature, which presumably would be informed by evolutionary theory. I was disappointed. My colleagues such as Herb, Sam, and Ernst confirmed my own impression: They appreciated the relevance of evolution but were a tiny minority among behavioral and experimental economists, who in turn were a tiny minority among neoclassical economists. Modern evolutionary theory was having virtually no impact on currently economic theory and policy.


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Difference between revisions of "Robert Searle" - P2P Foundation

Difference between revisions of "Robert Searle" - P2P Foundation | Peer2Politics |
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"Too much Maths, too little History: The problem of Economics"

This is a recording of the debate hosted by the LSE Economic History Department, in collaboration with the LSESU Economic History Society and the LSES
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Economic Rebellion, Global Business - BBC World Service

Economic Rebellion, Global Business - BBC World Service | Peer2Politics |

Since the crash of 2008, university students around the world have been rebelling against how they are taught economics. No other academic discipline has ever endured such criticism.

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What if the common good was the goal of the economy? | Christian Felber | TEDxVienna

The Economy for the Common Good is a widely demanded alternative to the – inhumane, instable and unsustainable – ruling economic model. It is post-dualistic,...
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A P2P future — a thousand tomorrows

A P2P future - a thousand tomorrows - Medium

ince the beginning, we wanted ‘a thousand tomorrows‘ not only to point to future-related happenings out there in the world, but also to dig into the minds of people at the forefront of developments which are redefining our future or have the potential to do so. Via interview sessions we would like to share with you a look through their eyes into today’s and tomorrow’s possible world(s). In our first interview, we’ll take a closer look into the fascinating peer-to-peer (r)evolution, together with Michel Bauwens.

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Brad Delong,the Marxists and the Long Depression

Last week, I presented a paper at the annual meeting of the American Economics Association (ASSA) as part of a joint session between the AEA and the Union for Radical Political Economy (URPE).  At this joint session, Marxist and heterodox economists presented papers and mainstream economists commented on them as ‘discussants’. My paper was entitled…
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Op-Ed: Show Me The Money: Wage Stagnation Creates The Illusion of a Skills Gap | Dr. Zachary Stein

Op-Ed: Show Me The Money: Wage Stagnation Creates The Illusion of a Skills Gap | Dr. Zachary Stein | Peer2Politics |
With Hans Despain. To the Boston Globe. Show me the money: wage stagnation creates the illusion of a skills gap In recent years there has been a growing concern regarding the workplace skills of American college graduates. Numerous reports have complained that employers are having a difficult time finding graduates with the right skills. The …
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The Church of Economism and Its Discontents

The Church of Economism and Its Discontents | Peer2Politics |
Pre-Publication Release - Do Not Distribute
Two centuries of explosive economic growth have radically altered our material and ideological worlds. With human activity now the major driver of geological change, the industrial era has come to be called the Anthropocene. This inquiry instead adopts the term Econocene, underscoring its ideological foundation: economism. The concept of economism, the reduction of all social relations to market logic, often appears in critiques of political movements and neoliberal...
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Why Don't You Explain this to Me Like I'm 5....

Why Don't You Explain this to Me Like I'm 5.... | Peer2Politics |
Soc Gen's global head of research, Patrick Legland, has gone on record, according to a MarketWatch article yesterday as saying that the selloff in developed equity markets has gone too far, and he ...
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Reclaiming the Economic Surplus by Liberating the Economic Commons - P2P Foundation

Reclaiming the Economic Surplus by Liberating the Economic Commons - P2P Foundation | Peer2Politics |

Money is a social relationship based on the monetisation of mutual credit rights and obligations. Monetised credit is an emergent property that arises in the context of a community of producer-consumers (prosumers). In other words, money is a common good rooted in the Economic Commons. As such, it is a universal cultural phenomenon. Monetary instruments, such as currency, cheques and bills of exchange represent social technologies devised to facilitate the proof of, transfer and discharge of monetised credit rights and obligations (money).

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