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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

10 Form Optimization Tips For Landing Pages

10 Form Optimization Tips For Landing Pages | Must Design |
Over the years, I’ve done a lot of work with form optimization.

**** Great tips from SearchEngine Land on landing page optimization. Marty

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Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from Black Sheep Strategy- Social Media!

Do's And Don'ts Of Infographic Design

Do's And Don'ts Of Infographic Design | Must Design |

Infographics are visual representations of information, or “data viz” as the cool kids call it these days.

***** Almost can't communicat without infographics now. Write a five page report and see who reads it. Create an infographic and everyone talks about it for days. My theory, the visuals are beating the textuals. Marty

Via Jean Cruz
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Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from Content Strategy |Brand Development |Organic SEO!

Why Great Design Is tn Content Marketing's Future

Why Great Design Is tn Content Marketing's Future | Must Design |
The beautification of the web is upon us. How will this shift toward visual storytelling impact content marketing? We explore the trends.


Although it’s still early in 2012, the importance of visual storytelling is clearly one of the year’s breakout trends. Facebook Timeline, Pinterest, and Instagram are forcing brands to think and act more visually.

***** Yes I too have been watching the visuals beating the textuals. Marty

Via Level343
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Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from ma veille d'optimisation!

UI Great Web Or App Design Starts Here

UI Great Web Or App Design Starts Here | Must Design |
Whether you're designing a user interface for a website or an iPhone app, it's always a good idea to start with a wireframe.

***** All great web or app design has a fantastic UX designer behind a curtain somewhere. Marty
Via Johnny E. Ramos Ch.
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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Responsiveness In UX Design

Responsiveness In UX Design | Must Design |
Unsung User Experience Heroes — Responsiveness. by Hillel. Many words are thrown around by user experience professionals to describe what they consider to be the keys to superlative software design. “Simplicity” and ...

***** Great post about an unsung hero of great design - responsiveness. Read this quick post to understand what and how to make your web design "responsive". Marty
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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Pinterest? Are You Kidding? Focus til You Get Social Marketing Right

Pinterest? Are You Kidding? Focus til You Get Social Marketing Right | Must Design |

RT @joeldon: Pinterest? Are You Kidding?

***** I'm with Joe on Pinterest. There are so many fish to fry here, so many meaty, delicious, ROI fat fish to fry before we start pinning for dollars. Marty

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

The Expressive Web - Beta

The Expressive Web - Beta | Must Design |

The Expressive Web is an Adobe-curated resource website for the advocacy, support, and advancement of HTML5 and CSS3 web development.

***** Very cool "art of the new" site by Adobe demonstrates how magical HTML5 and CSS3 ARE! Marty

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Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from Basics and principles for a good Web Design!

Parallax Scrolling: An Introduction | Web development blog, news and tutorials - Developer Drive

Parallax Scrolling: An Introduction | Web development blog, news and tutorials - Developer Drive | Must Design |
***** Cool idea that is worth the test to see its impact on conversions. Marty

You’ll notice as you scroll down the page that there are several different elements of the site that are all moving at different speeds. Let’s take the page in our image above as an example. As you scroll down through this page you’ve got blue dots in the far background that are slightly blurred, these appear to be moving at the same rate as the scroll bar. You then have a grouping of blue dots that are more in focus and in the foreground that are moving slightly faster than the scrollbar.

Via Rebeca Zuniga
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Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from :: The 4th Era ::!

Prepare For The Creative Age

Prepare For The Creative Age | Must Design |

By Hugh McLoed


"Kids in the future are simply not going to leave school with this big, bum­per crop of plum jobs wai­ting for them to fill, not like they used to. In the future, kids will leave school and inc­rea­singly be expec­ted to create their own via­ble realities.


"Like David Ger­gen allu­ded to, these young adults will be expec­ted not just to do the work, but expec­ted to ACTUALLY invent something. Create something, not just obey orders, not just ful­fill some sort of social role.


"And somehow, we have to teach our schools how to teach our kids exactly that. It’s not going to be easy."

Via Jim Lerman
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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Silicon Valley is desperate for designers

Silicon Valley is desperate for designers | Must Design |
Silicon Valley is desperate for designers (@phatye"@CNNMoney: If you've got some skills in designing websites and apps, your time has come.)...

Everyone is desperate for great designers always. Marty
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Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from Enterprise Social Media!

Preparing Brands for Social Media's Visual Revolution

Preparing Brands for Social Media's Visual Revolution | Must Design |

"Social Media - Considering the emergence of the social network Pinterest and Facebook's Timeline, it's clear that brands without a solid visual vocabulary will be left behind. "


Oh! The visual apocalypse is nigh! Quick! Start making cute brand visuals or all is lost!


Via @ccortilet

**** Yes the web is changing how, where and when we compete. Marty

Via Mike Ellsworth
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Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from Data Visualization and Infographics!

9 Powerful Free Infographic Tools To Create Your Own Infographics - DATA VISUALIZATION

9 Powerful Free Infographic Tools To Create Your Own Infographics - DATA VISUALIZATION | Must Design |
Create infographics, free tools for data visualization and analysis including charts, data visualisation tools, icon archives and more infographics software to start creating your own infographics.

**** We live in an Infographic time so best to embrace and learn (like most things web). Marty
Via andres taborga
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Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from BI Revolution!

50+ Ways to Curate and Share Social Media and News

50+ Ways to Curate and Share Social Media and News | Must Design |

A good succint and comprehensive list to keep in your library of curation tools and sites.

**** good new tools here. Marty
Via Shirley Williams (, Martin (Marty) Smith
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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

The Anatomy Of A Perfect Landing Page

The Anatomy Of A Perfect Landing Page | Must Design |
Although there is no exact formula to making a perfect landing page, there are some common rules of thumb to increase your chances of making a winning one.

*** Excellent look into the impossible - creating the perfect landing page. Also love the color chart on the bottom. Marty

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Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from WordPress Website Optimization!

Why Landing Pages Are Indispensable To Internet Marketing

Why Landing Pages Are Indispensable To Internet Marketing | Must Design |

**** Great scoop by two very trusted sources and true to my experience and a cool stat I saw a few days ago and have been trying to find again ever since that put sites with 50 or more landing pages 10x better at conversion than those with 5 or less. Anyone sees that stat please toss it my way. In the meantime read this great post about the importance of landing pages. Marty

Excerpted from the original article: "Landing pages are the heart and soul of an inbound marketer's lead generation efforts, so why are they still so underutilized?

The number one reason businesses don't use landing pages is because their marketing department doesn't know how to set them up or they are too overloaded.


First, let's start with a simple definition:

A landing page is a web page that allows you to capture a visitor's information through a lead-capture form (AKA a conversion form).


Creating landing pages allows you to target your audience, offer them something of value, and convert a higher percentage of your visitors into leads, while also capturing information about who they are and what they've converted on.


Landing pages can make your marketing and lead generation efforts more effective.

Here are 6 more compelling reasons:


1) Easily Generate Leads!

If you could do one thing right now to drastically improve your lead generation efforts, it would be to use landing pages on your website.


2) Give Your Offers a Place to Live:

The idea is to require your website visitors to 'pay' you in contact information for something valuable like an offer, and your landing page is the collections tool.


3) Collect Demographic Information About Your Prospects:

Every time a lead completes a conversion form on a landing page, your marketing and sales team is collecting valuable information about your leads.


4) Understand Which Prospects Are More Engaged:
Landing pages not only enable you to generate new leads; they also allow you to track reconversions of existing leads, which you can then use to identify which prospects are more engaged with your business.


5) Provide Fuel for Other Marketing Channels:

Landing pages are a great addition to any marketer's content arsenal since they can be shared in social media, used as the focus of dedicated email sends and in lead nurturing campaigns, be linked to in PPC ads, and get found in organic search.


6) Offer Insights Into the Effectiveness of Your Marketing Offers:
Every time you create a landing page, you're creating another data asset for your marketing program.


Landing pages should always be followed up by what's called a 'thank-you page,' that confirms receipt of the lead's information and either provides the offer, or details the next steps for receiving the offer..."


Read full article here: ;


Via Giuseppe Mauriello, Robin Good, Tina Cook
Slavica Bogdanov's comment, April 29, 2012 4:47 PM
Thank you. Always great content!
Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Desk Candy: Cool Paper Internet Toys Going Viral On A Desk Near You Soon

Desk Candy: Cool Paper Internet Toys Going Viral On A Desk Near You Soon | Must Design |

Our second Kickstarter project of the week is reaDIYmates, a kit to make WiFi-enabled companions. Wired

****** Having been in the gift business for a number of years, if you've played with words on magnets on a fridge or locker called Magnetic Poetry Kit thanks as you helped pay for my house (lol), I can tell you stranger, less cool things have gone viral than these chirping paper desk beasts. Look for them on the cool girl's or guy's desk soon. Marty

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Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from Educational technology!

Life Through the Eyes of Machines, A Future Certainty

Life Through the Eyes of Machines, A Future Certainty | Must Design |

By Mark Brown, Wired UKFilmmaker Timo Arnall has put together a collection of clips that show us the world through the eyes of robots...

***** Robots and feeds are in our Internet marketing futures I can feel it with one of the feel things it will be hard to teach a robot to do - have intuition. Marty

Via Ann Vega
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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Use JavaScript templates to swap content

Use JavaScript templates to swap content | Must Design |
In my previous example of using a JavaScript template, I showed you how to use it to set up some static content. While that's a good use for JS templates, you can use it to do a lot more. One situation I find using JS templates ...
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Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from Educational technology!

Make Infographics

Make Infographics | Must Design |

Use this interactive tool to find out about some great infographic making sites!

***** My kingdom for an Infographic. Marty
Via Ann Vega
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Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from Educational technology!

MIT researchers seek to create robotic 'self-sculpting sand'

MIT researchers seek to create robotic 'self-sculpting sand' | Must Design |
By Doug Gross, CNN It could be something out of "Harry Potter," or a scene from "Terminator 2" if you want to take it to a creepier place.

***** I imagine this is the first step to nano particles hat cure cancer and heart disease and have been implied since David Merill's Siftables so very cool. Marty

Via Ann Vega
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Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from Curation, Social Business and Beyond!

6 Reasons to Visualize Your Data in the Age of Distraction

6 Reasons to Visualize Your Data in the Age of Distraction | Must Design |

This piece was posted by Loren Sorenson for Hubspot, I selected it because as she says "If you aren’t prepared for the visual content revolution, you may be left in the dust.


Not convinced? Let's take a look at exactly how visual contentis positively contributing to marketing strategies -- it may just give you the push you need


"Learn why visual content is a critical part of your content creation strategy.


Here are some highlights:


**People remember only 20% of what they read


**83% of learning is visual


Condenses and Explains Large Amounts of Information


**Today, there is too much information on the Internet you have about 3 seconds to catch someone’s eyes so they'll consume your information.


Gives Your Brand an Identity


**Visual content draws people in, letting viewers better understand your brand's identity


Drives User Engagement


**If you've ever read a book with a child, you probably know they find pictures more interesting than words; but are adults really that different?


Selected by Jan Gordon covering "Content Curation, Social Business and Beyond"


Read full article here: []

Via janlgordon
janlgordon's comment, April 11, 2012 3:21 PM
Beth Kanter
Thank you for adding me to the wiki and for your kind words, it's greatly appreciated. Yes this is the conversation of the moment so to speak. I'm sure your presentation was amazing. Would love to hear it if you have a replay.
Beth Kanter's comment, April 11, 2012 10:08 PM
Jan: There's a link in the wiki to the live stream of the session - and a lot of notes and resources ... I love this topic! I'm holding myself back from created another on it ...
janlgordon's comment, April 13, 2012 10:05 PM
Beth Kanter
Thanks for looking forward to seeing this info. Knowing you, I can imagine that you want to start another scoopit on this topic but it's not necessary because you're already doing a wonderful job covering it now.
Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from Business and Economics: E-Learning and Blended Learning!


Nice resources from Andrew Churches.

Via Susan Oxnevad, kathymcdonough, Tibshirani, Jenny Pesina
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Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from Design, Science and Technology!

Michael Graves Tea Kettles Rock

Michael Graves Tea Kettles Rock | Must Design |

A new exhibition at the Princeton Day School's Anne Reid ’72 Art Gallery shows how the postmodern architect brought kettle design to a boil.

**** They've sold millions of these a great sign of hope. Marty
Via Antonios Bouris
Judith van Praag's comment, April 6, 2012 10:46 AM
That Target carries Graves Design reminds me of the Dutch equivalent HEMA (Hollandsche Eenheidsprijzen Maatschappij Amsterdam) which differs in that they don't attract top names, but carry their own top designs. Started in 1926 as the Dutch Unity Price Company where all products were either 25 or 50 cents, later also ten and 75 cents (compare 10 cent or dollar store). After WWII this unity pricing was dropped. But what remains is everyman's and Ladies' alike favorite place to by everyday utensils, clothes, food and wine. The H&M of NL.
Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

The Pinterest Effect

The Pinterest Effect | Must Design |

Starting to see more photos arranged in grids? Here's a look at why the Pinterest look is taking over web design.

**** What came first Web 3.0 or Pinterest and does it matter? Probably not since chicken vs. egg seems a poor use of grey matter, time and money. What is sure is we are about to can open our sites in new and unprecedented ways. Marty

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Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from Global Leaders!

13 Reasons Using Social Media for Business is Non-Negotiable!

13 Reasons Using Social Media for Business is Non-Negotiable! | Must Design |
 13 Reasons Why Using Social Media For Business is Non Negotiable!Is there ever a time when having a social media Image presence is an option?
Via Anne Egros
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