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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Burn Down Your Website via @Curagami [& Share Your Web Pain Story]

Burn Down Your Website via @Curagami [& Share Your Web Pain Story] | Must Design |

Social Mobile Web Blowing Up Web Design
The boxy unidirectional web design controlled by wireframes (boxes within boxes) is gone. The social mobile web is crushing, spinning and recreating web design as we write this sentence.

Don't let old "web design thinking" enslave. Help create a revolution in web design by sharing your favorite story of website PAIN. Every shopper, web designer or marketer has a favorite Website PAIN story.

SHARE YOUR STORY to help change the story :).M

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

5 Holiday Website Design Tips - A Haiku Deck by Martin Smith & Team Curagami

5 Holiday Website Design Tips - A Haiku Deck by Martin Smith & Team Curagami | Must Design |
This holiday selling season (2014) will happen as close to real time as any thanks to the social / mobile web. Listening and curating are going to be important, but so is tapping the nostalgia and spirit of the season in creative and collaborative ways.

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

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Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from Learning Environment Modeling!

What is Visual Language & How Comics Can Help Create It [graphic]

What is Visual Language & How Comics Can Help Create It [graphic] | Must Design |
Visual language Lab: Researching the structure and cognition of the visual language of comics

Visual Language Important For Internet Marketing
One undeniable trend is Lean Visual Marketing. We want videos and pictures and we want to understand complex ideas FAST. Scooplit is riding the crest of the lean visual marketing wave and exploding.

We know that there are some core ideas in this new "visual marketing revolution" including:

* Surprise helps but is had to create.
* Smashing expected visuals into unexpected can create surprise.
* Humor works.
* Arresting visuals only work once UNLESS aligned to their content.
* Without arresting visuals content marketing is doomed.
* The "visual language" of your marketing must be consistent with all other marketing or dissonance results.

I like the idea of studying comics to help achieve a sense of visual tone and for ways to connect images seamlessly with copy, tone ane theme.

Via Bucky Dodd
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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Web design trends for 2014 | Infographic + @ScentTrail Trend Predictions

Web design trends for 2014 | Infographic + @ScentTrail Trend Predictions | Must Design |

What do we predict will be the web design trends in 2014? Here is an infographic with our predictions

Marty Note
Here are my thoughts on web design in 2014.

1. Code Free = Disagree, not in 2014, I have tried Webydo and it is as hard to master as code so why bother, until there is a tool that is EASIER than code we will continue to code.

2. More CMS based site - Agree and this is another way of saying more blogs acting like websites. Good idea to read my Websites vs. Blog post on earlier in the week to know how to keep the things that matter from a "website" as your blog fills both shoes: Websites vs. Blogs Which One Is Better and Why .

3. Single Page Sites - Disagree - I GUESS you could have a robust enough social presence that a single page site would be fine, but you give up a lot and you are asking a single page to accomplish a lot. Google doesn't rank websites they rank web pages, so pagespread (# of pages in Google) can help build traffic via SEO (that is left of it anyway).

A single page website is only viable for strong mobile or social players and somewhere there has to be an engine generating NEW out into the world. If you use a single page, push NEW out and then wipe it clean that is simply CRAZY with the way traffic is parsed and how we gain authority today. Oprah could have a single page site, how an average website could achieve all that is needed with a single page is beyond me.

4. Interactive Infographics - Agree with this one. The Infographic has legs, or should say the idea of visualizing content has legs. The infographic is an expression of a larger movement - our desire to understand things FAST.

Other 2014 Web Design Trends I see include:

* Lean Design - This movement plays off of #4 and the strength of the marketing visualization movement. Creating more understanding faster is a trending trend.

* Social Net Tapestry - Website designs MUST be social and agnostic about social nets. Including Facebook, Twitter, GPlus, YouTube,, StumbleUpon and 10 more I can't think of right now in ways that make sharing easy, rewarding and not overwhelming is a trend no one has figured out all that well yet, but we will begin to see novel ideas that build on the social media  "widget" idea in 2014 (only much better let's hope).

* Content Curation - we must build websites in 2014 that are focused on KEY CONVERSATIONS and become agnostic about where those conversations happen. Own the conversation, own the traffic.

Curating content INTO a website (or blog) is an important trend no one has quite figured out yet either. Start with traditional ORM (Online Reputation Management) tools. Use ORM to crack some APIs so when something relevant happens to your company, brands or products out there in social media's north forty you

  1. Know about it.
  2. Filter it into your content by having ways (filters) to attach curated content into existing themes. 
  3. Gamify contributors so reward is generous, immediate and competitive.

* Appification of Everything - the Mobile Revolution is not about the phone. It is about redesigning our THINKING about how information creates interaction, engagement and conversion (so a small thing lol). Thinking of everything we do online as an app we will be improving is a very "Mobile First" way to think. Those who understand the "Appification" of everything will win BIG as the rest of the world catches up in 2014.

* Gamification - If your website design doesn't find ways to profile, reward and share (curate) content from contributors you will fall hopelessly behind in 2014. The social web is here, despite few understanding the breadth of that that means, and websites need to promote an ever increasing amount of User Generated Content (UGC). Best way to do that is by using game theory to create web design.


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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Future of Web Design 3: Semantic Web Is A Game

Future of Web Design 3: Semantic Web Is A Game | Must Design |

Future Of Web Design In 3 Parts
What does the future of web design look like? So much is up in the air this Haiku Deck is my third and the topic is far from exhausted:

Future of Web Design 1: Web design in a SoLoMo world. 

Future of Web Design 2: Web  design when THEY and US &  OUT THERE and IN HERE are the same. 

Future of Web Design 3: How does a semantic and mobile web change design, marketing and sales. 

What happens when TIME becomes a perpetual now, sales happens in real time and marketing is about curation? Web design as we've known it is about to change as much as something can change. 

Why? I scratched the surface of why in How Entropy Is Creating Web 3.0 Right Under Our Noses:  

Bottom line is everything is changing FAST so rewards go to the quick and flexible. If you have the courage to throw out almost everything you believe about everything once again you may just WIN BIG.  

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Great Design Q&A with Allen Wyke - Ripple Group Founder

Great Design Q&A with Allen Wyke - Ripple Group Founder | Must Design |
Allen Wyke is a digital media and technology consultant and the founder of Ripple Group.   He has over 15 years of direct operational experience in digital media, online advertising, software and e...
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Design & Business Q&A
Love these excellent design tips via @Alignsales interview with 

Allen Wyke such as:

* Listen and learn first, design and sell second.

* Product Managers = center of any company's ecosystem.

* Agile Marketing cool idea, hard to execute in reality.

* How create great design? Hire great designers.

Fantastic interview with a down to earth visionary.  

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17 Content Rich Sites for Web Design Inspiration

17 Content Rich Sites for Web Design Inspiration | Must Design |

We asked several developers what their favorite sources are for web design and code inspiration, and they pointed to these 17 wide-ranging sites.

Marty Note
I like several of these designs including Web Design Ledger and The Source for their creative balance between images, copy and headlines. There are so many things dancing on the head of a pin on any homepage such as:

* Your desire to SHARE everything.

* Their (visitor's) desire to find what they want.

* Navigation.
* Images.
* Headlines & Copy.

Getting all of these dancers to tell a coherent story in 9 seconds is the challenge. Usually as content being shared increases understand decreases. Several of these designs manage to present a lot of options intelligently.

Which one is your fav?

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

BTW, YES I am breaking a rule here and sharing content from a "Big Boy" blog (Mashable). Point I made about NOT curating content from the big boys anymore has exceptions.

Why I Stopped Curating Content From Big Blogs

I used BuzzSumo to find this design post and it has been shared at a moderate level for Mashabale. Design in general is an exception. I don't care WHERE great design content exists I will curate it (lol).

In this case I put a different spin on the Mashable take. They looked at these 17 examples as "good web design". They are that, but they are also great examples of how content can dance with its "tease elements" such as headlines and images.

Design content has to be some of the most READ content on the web  and we learn first and foremost from pictures and, once our attention is fully gained, words.

This was an excellent post and it was 3 levels deep in Mashable now. If this content ever appeared on the "celebrity obsessed" homepage I noted yesterday it was below the fold and a short homepage stay (I'm betting).

This content fits into the "contrary" exception I discussed on G_. I'm riffing solid content in a way they didn't so who cares who created it there is VALUE to be added (i.e. something they didn't see, something important to my readers who try to create sites balanced between content and commerce daily). M

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Designing For GooglePlus: Top 10 Brand Pages on Google+

Designing For GooglePlus: Top 10 Brand Pages on Google+ | Must Design |

We've had a HUGE Day over on GPlus today. I wrote a post about why G+ is magical thinking ( ) and my post got picked up by my friend Mark Traphagen (@MarkTraphagen) and it BLEW up into an amazing conversation.

Given the MONSTER day we've had I thought it would be a great idea to share some of the most successful G+ Brand pages. GPlus is a massive Blue Ocean for most.  Blue Oceans are where your content gets MORE traction with less work. Red Oceans are where your content requires more investment to generate LESS return.

GPlus is really a set of TOOLS. Incorporating Hangouts, maps, communities and other widget-like tools. The first website or agency to figure out how to combine those powerful tools in unique combinations is going to WIN big. Some of these examples approach the top of the mountain, but G+ has more power than even anyone here captures.

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Dr. Dre's Web Design Tips

Dr. Dre's Web Design Tips | Must Design |

Beats By Dre Web Design Lessons
A friend shared the impressive NEWSJACK Dr. Dre and his Internet markeing team pulled off last week. Beats By Dre ( ) has some cool web design tricks to steal too such as:

* Consistent images across channels (the Richard Sherman image rode the crest of the wave created by his "controversial" statements after last Sunday's game).
* HUGE RED BUY NOW Call To Action on the home page.
* Hero moves but does so SLOWLY so it isn't jarring.
* They've programmed their Richard Sherman page so his picture matches to every style, something I bet the site does for all celebrity endorsements (cool and NEW).
* Their social buttons are a little low for my taste, but they are well labeled as the "Beats Army" and every major social net is there and they are robust and fresh on all social nets.
* I like how they handle the colors too via the small swatches.

All in all a great ecommerce site in support of one of the best NEWSJACKS I've seen (see my notes on Dr. Dre's multi-channel attack of the web here:

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Cause Marketing And Emotional Design

Cause Marketing And Emotional Design | Must Design |

Doing good is increasingly the right thing to do and that is the good news. The bad news is many companies are jumping off the "cause marketing" ledge like so many lemmings. 

This new website explains how to embed cause marketing into design, sales and marketing in order to enrich all.  

Steal emotional storytelling tips from these top 10 charities ($ is expenses and use as a model gauge):  

1. American Red Cross $3,329,153,7072
2. Feeding America $1,559,486,3353
3. Smithsonian Instiute $1,101,404,2234
4. World Vision $1,078,549,1555
5. Dana-Faber Cancer Institute $965,097,7186
6. Food For The Poor $950,853,3607
7. American Cancer Society $943,813,2978
8. City of Hope $898,752,8669
9. St. Jude $896,335,00610
10. Nature Convervancy $756,406

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Drunk Tank Pink: The Power of Color in Marketing - Print Magazine

Drunk Tank Pink: The Power of Color in Marketing - Print Magazine | Must Design |
A review of the book Drunk Tank Pink, exploring the unseen power of color to persuade, market and influence consumer behavior.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Excellent article on color's hypnotic power over behavior, brand preference and life. 

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