Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations"
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Rescooped by Gilbert C FAURE from Immunology and Biotherapies!

Fake News and Vaccinations Bobcatsss 2020

Point of view of an Immunologist/curator in 2020

Gilbert C FAURE's insight:

This topic became a research action project at CREM (Centre de Recherche sur les médiations)

Ir covers not only Fake News still thriving on the internet,

but also efforts of many (supranational bodies, scientific societies, researchers...) to improve health literacies of laypeople, and medical students on this sensitive topic...


Nous avons rejoint le réseau  SHS Vaccination France

Une première réunion virtuelle a réuni une trentaine de participants et a permis d'écouter une présentation sur l'hésitation vaccinale.

Prochaine réunion en distanciel le 14 juin 2024 sur le sujet des personnels infirmiers .

Le sujet des "Health professionals" est couvert sur


We also joined

The collaboration on social science and immunisation (COSSI): a successful Australian research and practice network

plusieurs réunions organisées down under, mais c'est loin.


The topic addresses Fake news as a global problem, extracting material focusing on vaccinations, vaccination hesitancy and anti-vax attitudes. The subject is evolving constantly with health consequences all over the world.


Published papers related to this subject are also posted.


Fake News related to Covid and vaccinations slightly decreased compared to other topics such as ukrainian war, gaza war, even sports related informations...

but the diffusion of discussions remains steady all over the world, particularly on social networks in France and elsewhere!


Unfortunately, as Jonathan Swift so eloquently said: Reasoning will never make a man correct an ill opinion, which by reasoning he never acquired.

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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE!

Yet another example of how “new school” anti-COVID vaccine antivaxxers have become just antivaxxers now

Yet another example of how “new school” anti-COVID vaccine antivaxxers have become just antivaxxers now | Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations" |
Dr. Pierre Kory and the pseudomous Substacker known as A Midwestern Doctor provide two more examples of how "anti-COVID" antivax has now become just antivax.
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[Video] Nancy RISACHER on LinkedIn: #indemnisation #accidentsvaccinaux #vaccinanticovid #effetsecondaire… | 112 comments

[Video] Nancy RISACHER on LinkedIn: #indemnisation #accidentsvaccinaux #vaccinanticovid #effetsecondaire… | 112 comments | Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations" |
Des effets indésirables post-vaccination ? Il est temps d'agir pour obtenir justice. 

Parce qu'il est nécessaire de mettre en lumière ces situations… | 112 comments on LinkedIn
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Physicians for Informed Consent on LinkedIn: #vaccines #hepatitisb #hepbvaccine #informedconsent | 50 comments

Physicians for Informed Consent on LinkedIn: #vaccines #hepatitisb #hepbvaccine #informedconsent | 50 comments | Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations" |
FYI - the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) determined a maximum safe level of aluminum per day in the bloodstream of an infant. The… | 50 comments on LinkedIn
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Michael Patmas, MD, FACP on LinkedIn: Proof the antivax movement and the doctors of disinformation have had…

Michael Patmas, MD, FACP on LinkedIn: Proof the antivax movement and the doctors of disinformation have had… | Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations" |
Proof the antivax movement and the doctors of disinformation have had success in undermining public health. They must be recognized for being the serious…
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George Niles Mekeel RN on LinkedIn: Jeffrey Tucker of the Brownstone Institute goes full Alex Jones antivax…

George Niles Mekeel RN on LinkedIn: Jeffrey Tucker of the Brownstone Institute goes full Alex Jones antivax… | Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations" |
"I’ve long argued that antivax beliefs, indeed all science denial, is conspiracy theory. Leave it to Brownstone Institute 's Jeffrey Tucker
to make my point…
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Romania Measles Cases Highest in Europe, Turkey Close Behind

Romania Measles Cases Highest in Europe, Turkey Close Behind | Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations" |
In Romania, where the antivaxxer movement is strong, measles is spreading dangerously fast, according to the World Health Organisation and local data.
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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE!

Anti-Vax Doctor Loses Battle With YouTube

Siding against anti-vax doctor Joseph Mercola, a federal appeals court on Wednesday refused to revive his lawsuit claiming that YouTube wrongly terminated his…...
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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE!

Pro-Vaccine Doctor Comes Clean: “We Were Fooled – the Vaccines Are Poison”

Pro-Vaccine Doctor Comes Clean: “We Were Fooled – the Vaccines Are Poison” | Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations" |
A pro-vaccine doctor who encouraged thousands of patients to take the COVID-19 vaccine during the pandemic has admitted that the vaccines are actually poison, and has apologized for being fooled by Big Pharma and not doing her own due diligence.
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The First Five Errors in Turtles All The Way Down

The First Five Errors in Turtles All The Way Down | Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations" |
What can you learn about vaccines and vaccine preventable diseases in the book 'Turtles All The Way Down?'
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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE!

Vincent Iannelli, MD on LinkedIn: The New Normal - Blame Everything On COVID Vaccines

Vincent Iannelli, MD on LinkedIn: The New Normal - Blame Everything On COVID Vaccines | Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations" |
The New Normal - Blame Everything On COVID Vaccines Why are we seeing more and more anti-vaccine influencers on social media posting…
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Jocelyn M. on LinkedIn: Physicians for Informed Consent , and LinkedIn , How many times are we…

Jocelyn M. on LinkedIn: Physicians for Informed Consent , and LinkedIn , How many times are we… | Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations" |
Physicians for Informed Consent , and LinkedIn , How many times are we gone to tolerate such lies on aluminum… First, aluminum found in vaccines are aluminum…
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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE!

Misinformation poses a bigger threat to democracy than you might think

Misinformation poses a bigger threat to democracy than you might think | Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations" |
In today’s polarized political climate, researchers who combat mistruths have come under attack and been labelled as unelected arbiters of truth. But the fight against misinformation is valid, warranted and urgently required.
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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE!

The Latest Attack on Fauci Reveals the GOP’s Sickness

The Latest Attack on Fauci Reveals the GOP’s Sickness | Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations" |
Representative Brad Wenstrup says Republicans want to dig through Fauci’s personal emails.
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False belief in MMR vaccine-autism link endures as measles threat persists, finds survey

False belief in MMR vaccine-autism link endures as measles threat persists, finds survey | Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations" |
As measles cases rise across the United States and vaccination rates for the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine continue to fall, a new survey finds that a quarter of U.S. adults do not know that claims that the MMR vaccine causes autism are false.
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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE!

Maurice MAGUEUR 莫少阳 on LinkedIn: VERITY France (@verity_france) on X

Maurice MAGUEUR 莫少阳 on LinkedIn: VERITY France (@verity_france) on X | Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations" |
Comme pour le procès d'URSULA dans le PFIZER GATE, SMS GATE, aucun média français subventionné ne parle de l'audition de FAUCI...
Aucun débat aux européennes…
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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE!

Eric Verhaeghe sur LinkedIn : COVID et vaccins : l’indispensable bible de Robert Kennedy enfin traduite…

Eric Verhaeghe sur LinkedIn : COVID et vaccins : l’indispensable bible de Robert Kennedy enfin traduite… | Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations" |
Robert Kennedy a défrayé la chronique par ses postures dites improprement covido-sceptiques. Il lui revient en particulier le mérite d’avoir dévoilé la…
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Experts rate 12 vaccine claims by Robert Malone, the doctor catapulted to fame on Joe Rogan's podcast

Experts rate 12 vaccine claims by Robert Malone, the doctor catapulted to fame on Joe Rogan's podcast | Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations" |
Dr. Robert Malone in his office on his Virginia horse farm on July 22, 2020.AP Photo/Steve Helber The scientist Robert Malone raises questions about the
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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE!

Trump's vaccine remarks require rebuke

Trump's vaccine remarks require rebuke | Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations" |
At a Minnesota speech, the former president recklessly vowed to cut off federal funding for schools with an immunization mandate.
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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE!

Identifying and characterizing superspreaders of low-credibility content on Twitter | PLOS ONE

The world’s digital information ecosystem continues to struggle with the spread of misinformation. Prior work has suggested that users who consistently disseminate a disproportionate amount of low-credibility content—so-called superspreaders—are at the center of this problem.
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Supersharers of fake news on Twitter | Science

Supersharers of fake news on Twitter | Science | Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations" |
Governments may have the capacity to flood social media with fake news, but little is known about the use of flooding by ordinary voters. In this work, we identify 2107 registered US voters who account for 80% of the fake news shared on Twitter during ...
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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE!

F Lecardonnel ClinResearch Specialist on LinkedIn: Les vaccins anti-Covid sont sûrs chez les jeunes

F Lecardonnel ClinResearch Specialist on LinkedIn: Les vaccins anti-Covid sont sûrs chez les jeunes | Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations" |
N'en déplaise aux antivax primaires, aux raoultolâtres et autres perronnophiles, la sécurité des vaccins à ARNm anti-Covid est désormais prouvée chez l'adulte,…
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Thread by @ClaudeSteve6 on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App

Thread by @ClaudeSteve6 on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App | Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations" |
@ClaudeSteve6: Ok, les fonds de l'Université de Chypres ont servi à financer une (énième) "étude" antivax complètement merdique qui cite dans sa biblio le "fameux" document merdique non publié de Denis Rancourt et J...…
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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE!

Vaccine-Preventable Diseases and Memorial Day: A Historical Perspective

Vaccine-Preventable Diseases and Memorial Day: A Historical Perspective | Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations" |
This Memorial Day discover the connection to now vaccine-preventable diseases. Remember those who died in the military of diseases like smallpox, typhoid, and influenza.
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McCullough Foundation on LinkedIn: #mfscholar | 19 comments

McCullough Foundation on LinkedIn: #mfscholar | 19 comments | Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations" |
BREAKING - Our new study found a 1,236% increase in excess deaths after the vac.. campaign in King County, Washington. A quadratic increase in excess… | 19 comments on LinkedIn
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