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Presentation Tools
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Curated by Robin Good
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Scooped by Robin Good
July 30, 2013 2:36 PM!

Full-Featured Free Image Editing Online for Non-Techies with Picadilo

Full-Featured Free Image Editing Online for Non-Techies with Picadilo | Presentation Tools |
Robin Good's insight:

Picadilo is free web-based image editor that includes all of the features and options you would expect from a commercial app. The only thing that a pro would miss are selection tools and image layers, but for anything simpler, this is absolutely a super tool.

Picadilo offers in fact all of the basic tools, from cropping to resizing and to all of the typical image controls. The it adds a mountain of customizable filters and effects, retouching tools of all kinds, the ability to add text easily in a variety of fonts and more (textures, frames).

Multiple editing windows supported.

The final work can be saved in .jpg or .png format or immediately shared to all major social media.

Free to use.

(Thanks to Francesco Guglielmino for kindly suggesting it)

Gianfranco Marini's curator insight, August 27, 2013 6:30 AM

Picadilo è un editor di immagini web based, si tratta di un web eare che possiede finzionalità complete per il trattamento delle imamgini e non richeide lunghi tempi di apprendimento per poter essere utilizzato. La versione libera non consente di usare gli strumenti di selezione più evoluti e di lavorare con i livelli, per il resto offre tutte el altre funzioni: cropping, resizing, rotate, flip, regolazione luminosità, contrasto, saturazione,esposizione, temperatura colore, selezione, ecc.

E' possibile salvare il lavoro finito e condividerlo.

Therese Dristas's curator insight, October 7, 2013 10:52 AM

This looks like it would be a valuable resource.

Francisco Javier Muñoz Suarez's curator insight, December 31, 2014 6:41 AM

añada su visión ...

Scooped by Robin Good
June 8, 2013 5:29 AM!

The Free Online Image Editor for All Levels: Open Pixlr

The Free Online Image Editor for All Levels: Open Pixlr | Presentation Tools |

Robin Good's insight:

If I were to recommend an online image/photo editor, that is fast, flexible and that provides all of the tools and features I generally need, I wouldn't hesitate a second in recommending Pixlr.

Not only this free web-based image editor is zippy and responsive as it can get, but it offers three alternative "versions" depending on your needs and skill level.

1) The Open Pixlr Express is the one I use the most, as it offers all of the basic functionalities I generally need, such as cropping, resizing, converting and basic retouching.

2) The Open Pixlr Editor is the advanced version which integrates all of the photo retouching tools you may need, as well as image layers, filters and more.

3) For non-technical people, kids and novices the Open Pixlr-o-Matic offers a perfect solution by integrating all of the key basic functions in an attractive and much simplified interface.

There is also a free mobile version both for Android and one for iPhone/iPad.

Free to use. No regsitration required.

Try it out now:

Related tools: Picmonkey

AnnaB's curator insight, June 14, 2013 6:30 AM

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