Presentation Tools
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Presentation Tools
Tools and services to deliver your presentations: online and off
Curated by Robin Good
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Scooped by Robin Good
March 27, 2014 1:55 PM!

Create and Show Presentations In Sync To Unlimited Viewers with Slides

Robin Good's insight:

Slides has released some interesting new features for its good web-based presentation service.

The first one is the ability to show a presentation to an unlimited audience of viewers, who can see your slide changes in sync with you, and without having to download or install anything.

The second one is a new speaker note facility that allows the presenter to see not only the slide being shown, but also the next one, alongside two timers, one for the time gone and one for the actual clock time.

Summary: Slides is a great HTML5 presentation creation tool, that makes it very easy to create, edit and publish presentation both online and off. Definitely worth a try.

Free version available.


More info: 

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Scooped by Robin Good
September 6, 2012 6:38 AM!

Create Interactive Browser-Based HTML5 Presentations with Presentate (Alpha)

Create Interactive Browser-Based HTML5 Presentations with Presentate (Alpha) | Presentation Tools |

Robin Good: Presentate is a new web-based HTML5 presentation builder which promises flawless compatibility across operating systems and devices, integrated interactivy and some integrated design and editorial guidance.

From the official site: "Exporting your deck to a PDF, or uploading it to a Flash-based player shares a low-fidelity snapshot of your presentation. The accompanying narrative is lost, and your readers are left with pull quotes, sound bytes, or a bullet point summary.

Presentate does things differently. As you create your presentations right in the browser, they’re immediately ready to be shared with people, and the fidelity and value of all your hard work remains intact — no exporting process, no hassle."

"Unlike your current tools, Presentate helps you engage your audience — not with effects and gimmicks, but with a high-fidelity, immersive experience that works across all platforms."

Sign-up now to test the first alpha version:

(Thanks to Baiba Svenca for uncovering it)

Nedko Aldev's curator insight, May 8, 2013 4:30 AM

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