From the official pres release:
KnowledgeVision Systems today announced the availability of KVStudio 4.0, a new version of its powerful video online presentation creation tool.
In addition, the company has announced a 30-day trial program that will allow qualified content creators to see for themselves the power of KnowledgeVision on their online presentation projects.
KnowledgeVision’s subscription-based software and cloud-based service allows the creation of rich, engaging presentations that synchronize video or audio, PowerPoint and other images, just-in-time footnotes and virtual handouts into interactive presentation experiences.
Its creation tool, KVStudio, puts extraordinary flexibility in the hands of a content producer to produce both on-demand and live presentations, with either video or audio narration, in custom-designed player templates, and even incorporating live web pages as part of the presentation sequence.
Try it out now. Free for 30 days: