24 Photo Slideshow Gallery Templates That Work With Your Image RSS Feed: Slideshow Box | Presentation Tools | Scoop.it

Robin Good: SlideshowBox is an elegant and well-designed collection of stylish HTML and Flash slideshow gallery templates that allow you to create, customize and publish photo slide shows by using your favorite RSS image feed or XML source. 

"24 Flash and JavaScript - based on jQuery - slideshow templates with background music."

"SlideshowBox includes 12 HTML5 (based on
JavaScript and jQuery) slideshows and 24
Flash slideshows supported by all Adobe
Flash CS versions.

The HTML slideshows are available as embeddable SWF objects (they require Flash Player 9+) and some of them as pure JavaScript/jQuery
slideshows (iPhone/iPad friendly)."

You can add photos to your SlideshowBox
slideshows using standard XML files or
by using Flickr, Picasa, Photobucket and
SmugMug photo feeds (RSS 2.0 feeds).

Examples: http://www.slideshowbox.com/slideshow-templates-examples.html 

How to use it: http://www.slideshowbox.com/how-to-use.html 

Online panel (to choose and customize your photo slideshow look and feel): http://www.slideshowbox.com/online-panel.html 

Free version with watermark: http://www.slideshowbox.com/free-download.html 

Pricing: http://www.slideshowbox.com/buy-now.html